Medium Format

Showing only posts tagged with 'Medium Format' - click here to see all tags.


Druridge Bay Country Park

Reed bed at Druridge Bay Country Park. Shot on Ilford FP4 with an old medium format Rolleiflex 2.8GX TLR film camera. Hand processed.


Bike on the Tyne

Bicycle on the Tyne. Shot on Ilford Pan F Plus 50 with an old medium format Rolleiflex 2.8GX TLR film camera. Hand processed.


Emo Horse

Meet Emo Horse, the most misunderstood of all equidae. He’s melancholy because he can’t paint his hoofs black. Struggles with a brush, you see. Shot on Fuji Acros 100 medium...


Tynemouth Lighthouse

Tynemouth lighthouse across some interesting stone carvings. Shot on Fuji Acros 100 with my medium format Mamiya RZ67. Hand processed.


He who dares

Lonely Reliant Robin parked at New Hartley. Shot on Fuji Acros 100 with my medium format Mamiya RZ67. Hand processed.

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