Photograph of Eaten Alive by Alex Nichol

Eaten Alive

I came across this handsome fella on the road to Neist Point Lighthouse on the Isle of Skye. He came straight across to me as I approached, and graciously posed for a photograph.

Photograph of a midge-eaten horse on the Isle of Skye

The poor thing was being eaten alive by midges. I had just enough time to snap a few shots before I was driven off by the swarm.

These photographs were taken with my Canon EOS 5D Mark IV and the extraordinary Canon 35 mm f/1.4 L II USM .

Alex Nichol

About the photographer

Alex Nichol is an amateur photographer based in the UK dabbling with landscape, travel and documentary. Alex has shot with pretty much everything, from classic 35mm and medium format film cameras from Zenit, Leica, Hasselblad, Mamiya and Rolleiflex, to digital SLR and mirrorless systems from Leica, Sony, Canon, Panasonic and Olympus. He is currently shooting with the Fujifilm X System.

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